Customer Testimonials

  • I recently visited the Trauma Art Passion & Fashion Exhibition and was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it as it is not normally something I would go to. Each piece of art had its own story, and I found myself deeply understanding the meaning behind them. The gallery of works was beautifully curated, allowing me to connect with the paintings and seeing the timelines of Artist Shirley Kaci. The experience was made even more special with a fashion show, which was a nice touch and added a dynamic element to the event. I would definitely go to another of Shirley Kaci’s exhibitions. Highly recommended! 

    Junior Arscott Personel Trainer/Nutritionist London

  • I attended the Trauma Art Passion & Fashion Exhibition by Artist Shirley Kaci, and on all 3 days of this event I thoroughly enjoyed it. The pieces of art were displayed very well, it was lovely to see the art that was created over many years. I took part in the fashion show which I felt privileged to be a part of. Modelling some of Shirley Kaci’s pieces, seeing how she chose specific prints for her clothes was lovely. On this evening it was fully catered for with great food and beverages, giving everyone time to discuss the art and to re - visit the art and to show each other our favourite pieces. There was so much to see from not only the paintings and clothes but books, coasters, plates etc I took my mum and my 3 year old niece on the Saturday afternoon where my niece was drawn to a certain piece of art. My mum was reminded of her passion for art after attending this event and speaking to Shirley herself she thoroughly enjoyed it. Both Shirley & Poppy couldn’t have been more welcoming. We are looking forward to the next event.

    Nevin Teacher Assistant Hertfordshire

  • Spending the night with Shirley was inspiring and welcoming. Her art pieces are one of a kind and each has a story which was facinating to hear, and deepened the appreciation and artistry behind each piece. Shirley herself is a warm and friendly person that makes you feel at home and allows art to be accessible to all. What a great evening and display of authentic, original art!

    Steph Hertfordshire

  • I really liked the colours and composition of the pieces of art on display. The way it was set up, there were multiple entry points (and exits), implying that there was no particular order in which to view the work. it was up to the viewer to make his or her way around it in a manner that they saw best fit.

    The paintings and clothing were vibrant, and you could tell the artist put a lot of creativity and imagination into her work.    

    Carl Hertfordshire

  • I thoroughly enjoyed the VIP exhibition preview evening, I felt it was incredible seeing all the pieces created by Shirley and not just that, but having the opportunity to speak with her and to get a greater understanding of the thinking behind some of her work was a highlight of the evening!

    Leo Hertfordshire

  • I wanted to extend my deepest appreciation for the invitation to attend the truly inspiring Trauma Art Passion & Fashion exhibition last Friday evening. The range, quality, and sheer volume of work on display left me thoroughly impressed.

    The profound themes woven into your artwork struck a chord deep within me and my wife, highlighting a remarkable depth of creativity and emotional resonance. Being a part of the exhibition and fashion show was an absolute pleasure and a privilege, emphasising the incredible beauty that emerges when individuals with lived experiences are granted the opportunity to showcase their creativity.

    I am particularly grateful to Poppy for the exceptionally warm welcome extended to my wife and me during the evening. The sense of being well cared for and valued throughout the event left a lasting impression and added an extra layer of warmth to the overall experience.

    Leslie Billy Chief Executive Viewpoint

  • Thank you very much for "Bryan the Surveyor" which I received before Christmas.

    Louise Archer Deputy Director Broadland Housing

  • Thank you for my hand crafted surveyor figurine which arrived at Christmas. They are very cute and now on the shelf.

    Taylor Vinters Solicitors

  • I would like to thank you very much for the kind gift of the sculpture crafted by Shirley Kaci "Brian The Surveyor".

    Due to government rules, I have donated this thoughtful gift to the Mayors' Appeal, which currently supports the Bangladeshi parents and carers' association and St Margaret's settlement. I'm sure that this will raise very welcome funds for these deserving causes.

    Aman Dalvi Corporate Director Tower Hamlets

  • Thank you for the workman figure I received this week.

    Andrew Savage Executive Director Broadland Housing

  • Thank you for your very kind gift.

    Steve O'Brian Head of Commercial Bank Barclays Commercial

  • Many thanks for the "Statuette".

    Richard Janes Mrics Associate Director Savills

  • Thank you very much for the further addition to my collection of figurines. This years model is particularly appropriate especially for Brian B.........

    James Buxton Bidwells

  • Just a brief note to thank you for Kaci Designs characters.

    John Hayden Swan Group

  • Many thanks for the Christmas Gift. A nice piece - much appreciated. We'll keep Shirley Kaci's name on file!

    Merry Christmas to you.

    John Miles Corporate Services Board

  • Very many thanks for Eric - both the sculpture and the card are really great! What a talented trainee you had, and well done for promoting her talents in this way. I feel very honoured to be included.Best wishes.

    Judith Harrison Project Director, The Housing Forum Constructing Excellence

  • I bought 'Millennium' from Shirley simply on the basis that I fell in love with it!Having seen the picture in the gallery I just fell for it, however it was a lot of money... I went away and could not stop thinking about the picture. After a couple of weeks I made the decision to return to the gallery and if the picture was still there then it was meant to be mine! Needless to say it was still there and as they say the rest is history. I bought the picture about six years ago and still find myself gazing at it fondly, it's fair to say I still get a lot of enjoyment out of my painting.

    Mandy McLean Managing Partner, ISMdirect Ltd

  • I have worked with Shirley since 2001. Our first introduction was when she took part in a training and employment scheme...I have no hesitation in recommending her as an artist and creative professional, as her passion and drive make an ideal partner.

    Hill Partnerships LTD
